Washington Park’s newest residents
Two great horned owls make park their new home
Special to Colorado Community Media - This story was originally published in Washington Park Profile/Life on Capitol Hill, a publication of Colorado Community Media.
On many evenings, as the spring dusk settles over Washington Park, residents of the park’s eastern side are hearing loud hoots from trees and telephone wires.
Two enormous great horned owls, about two feet high, with striking gold masks and ear-like tufts, have moved into the neighborhood. Like a street gang of two, they’re warning other owls not to venture into their new territory. They are likely preparing to raise a family of owlets.
The owls, who mate for life, look for old nests that can be repurposed. If they find one they like, they’ll produce an average brood of two or three owlets. Swathed in thick downy feathers, the owlets resemble nothing so much as a family of muppets. The downy babies are so active, they usually end up destroying their own nest. This may sound relatable to anyone sheltering at home with toddlers.
The smaller male usually helps guard the nest during the day. But as night falls, he will swoop noiselessly over the neighborhood, using his acute hearing and night vision to hunt for prey, which includes other large raptors such as falcons, water birds like ducks and geese, and a variety of animals including squirrels, frogs, insects, mice and even skunks.
According to the Cornell Ornithology Lab website, the owls have no natural enemies except other owls. Their formidable talons are used to sever the spine of large prey and “require a force of 28 pounds to open.”
Although attacks on pets are uncommon, Washington Park residents should keep a sharp eye on their cats and small dogs — especially after dark.
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